Nature Facts

interesting clouds facts

November 16, 2009 | In: Nature Facts

Clouds are formed of water that has evaporated from rivers, lakes, oceans ..... The essentials of the modern nomenclature system for clouds were proposed by Luke Howard, a British manufacturing chemist and an amateur meteorologist with broad...

interesting rain facts

October 19, 2009 | In: Nature Facts

The umbrella was originally invented to protect people from the hot sun. Rain drops can fall at speeds of about 22 miles an hour. Louisiana is the wettest state in the U.S, which receved an annual rainfall of 56 inches. Bergen in Norway is one...

interesting pollution facts

September 21, 2009 | In: Nature Facts

Scientists studying ice cores from Greenland have discovered a 2000-year-old layer of lead. This layer was produced by air pollution from extensive mining activities in ancient Spain. The Spanish lead mines were operated by the Romans and...

Interesting tree facts

September 7, 2009 | In: Nature Facts

Found in the Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in California, the oldest tree recognized is a Redwood known as Eternal God. The tree is believed to be 12,000 years old, although it is argued as being only 7,000 years old, which still makes it the...

interesting flower facts

September 7, 2009 | In: Nature Facts

Wild tulips come from the Caucaus montains and throughout Turkey. The ones in Holland are because of the economics of gardening. The Daisy flowers open at dawn and are visited by many small insects. The daisy (Bellis Perennis) has a long history...

In the prior inter-glacial period about 125,000 years ago, there was no summer ice at the North Pole and the sea level was 15 feet (5m) higher than today. The earth's average surface temperature has increased by about 0.7°C during the last century....

Lightning bolts travel at speeds of up to 60,000 miles per second. A single lightning bolt is about 50,000°F or 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun About 71.4286% of all people struck by lightning still survive. The maximum distance...

It is estimated that there are 500,000 detectable earthquakes in the world each year. 100,000 of those can be felt, and 100 of them cause damage. The largest recorded earthquake was a 9.5 quake in Chile in 1960. Animals do appear to detect some...

Hurricane season lasts June 1 through November 30. It is rare, but hurricanes have formed in the Atlantic as early as March or as late as December. The average life of a hurricane is 9 days. Florida has had more hurricanes than any other state....