Interesting educational facts

February 19, 2012 | In: Random interesting fact

To put it briefly, education is the process of learning and acquiring information and skills. Education can take place in 2 main types: formal learning, usually in school or universities, and self-taught learning. Education is a very important part of our life, being the main tool with which we can learn basic life skills and also advanced job skills.

When we refer to education, we usually think about formal schooling. This chapter of our life begins when we are very young, and reaches until we completely mature. The first classes are not meant to teach us job skills, but rather to develop a sense of critical thinking in our everyday life, as well as for our further academic and career pursuits. Courses of math, literature, geography, physics, writing, history and such, are all common. In the primary grades, more basic skills such as reading writing and arithmetic are taught, making these early educational classes vital for survival in the world.

School can be continued for many years, especially if we decide to follow a form of higher education. The universities in the US provide special additional training and learning for a fee. For many professional careers, both a bachelor’s degree from a four-year accredited college institution and a master’s or graduate degree are required to prove qualification for the job.

Although having an MBA in marketing, for instance, is a very good thing, the world also needs people to do other types of endeavor. Whatever your plans of life may be, I guarantee that reading a book doesn’t hurt.

- For instance, if you want your children to stay in school most of the year, just send them in Norway. Education in Norway is mandatory for children between 6 and 16. The school year in Norway is the longest in the world. It runs from mid August to late June.
- Did you know that English speaking children are  the world’s biggest novel readers – but the least enthusiastic comic readers.
- If we go a little to the East, we’ll discover that Japanese and South Korean kids are the best in the world at science and math.
- Three quarters of Japanese kids read comics.
- American adults have spent more time than anyone in education .
- There are 22 countries where more than half the population is illiterate. Fifteen of them are in Africa.
- The women of Iceland earn two-thirds of their nation’s university degrees.
- More than half of Indonesia’s primary school teachers are under 30years of age .
- Thinking of becoming a teacher? Head to Switzerland. Teaching salaries there start at $US 33,000.
- Kids in Mali spend only 2 years in school. More than half of them start working between the ages of 10 and 14.
- Teachers make up 7.8 percent of Iceland’s labor force – and they only have to teach 38 weeks per year.
- Central European men don’t teach. In Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, over 75 percent of lower secondary teachers are female.
So, after all these funny facts, I hope that school won’t be so sober the next time we go to class.

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